Jumaat, 11 Disember 2009
result more than what i expected... yahuuu...
hari ni aku rase happy sesangt coz dapt result more than what i expected.. huhu... berbaloi jew rasenyew study hard n study smart.... huhu.... rase happy sesangt.... hehhehe.... yahuuuu... hehhehe.... firstly syukur kehadrat illahi kerna degn pertolgnnye dapt gak aku capi ape yg dihajati.... aku dapat dekan... sllu klu dl pon stakat cukup2 mkn 3.5 lebih jew.. tpi kli ni resultnye... the best among the rest... huhu...aku nk ucapkan terima kasih to my parent n family coz banyk membantu... n x lupe jugak untk kekawn... lecturer.. n all people yg bg support... thankz alot...
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